Robert Davis
born in the USA, living and working in Austria since 1991.
Davis graduated from the Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond (VA) with a Master of Fine Arts.
He holds several teaching positions (University of Vienna, Polytechnic College
St. Pölten, Federal Training and Research Institute for Graphic Art and Media) and is the co- founder of FotoK, a private photo school.
His work was shown amongst others at several destinations of the New York State Culture Program (NY), the Eye Gallery San Francisco (CA), the Anderson Gallery, Richmond (VA), and Kunstraumarcade Mödling (Austria).
In his recent works he focuses on the relation between documentary and abstraction in photography.
Photography Workshop
“There is no greater work of art than nature”. On our photowalks, we will explore special places of the surrounding countryside as well as our small village. In the workshop with Robert you will explore ways of seeing photographically, and develop photographic concepts and methods to find unique images. You will learn about photographic processes - from exposure to post-production.
The workshop will cover topics like light/shadow, image framing, playing with perspective, and provide you editing and post-production tips and tricks.
The workshop is suitable for all levels of photographic knowledge.
Required: please bring your own camera (any camera except a phone camera) and a computer with a photo editing program (preferably Adobe Lightroom/Adobe Photoshop).